Why the project does not need QA

16 July 2024

When it comes to software development, the role of QA is often considered mandatory. Quality control professionals are responsible for testing products, identifying errors, and ensuring that they meet user requirements and expectations. However, there is an opinion that the project can be completed without QA. Let us consider the arguments given in support of such an approach.

1. Test automation
Modern test automation tools reduce the need for manual testing. Automated testing allows one to quickly and efficiently test the functionality, performance and security of their application. It provides repeatability of testing and can be performed continuously as part of a CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery or Deployment) process. This allows developers to quickly identify and fix bugs in the early stages of development.

2. Testing by developers
Some companies prefer developers to test their code themselves. This increases accountability and quality of work, as developers can better understand the code and find and fix bugs faster. With this approach, developers use techniques such as TDD (test-driven development). In this method, all testing is done before writing the code itself.

3. Using DevOps
Integrating DevOps practices into the development process can also reduce the need for another QA team. DevOps promotes a closer interaction between developers and operations, allowing for faster and better updates. DevOps automation and monitoring ensure the stability and reliability of your applications in the production environment.

4. Saving resources
Eliminating the QA role can significantly reduce project development costs. The salary of a qualified quality control professional, testing tools, and time spent organizing tests can be significant cost items. In some cases, projects can be completed faster and cheaper if quality assurance capabilities are distributed among existing team members.

5. Code quality improvement
If developers are responsible for testing their code, we encourage them to write cleaner and more maintainable code. They try to avoid complex and hard-to-test projects and ultimately improve the overall quality of the product.

6. Direct interaction with the user
For some projects, especially startups and small teams, user feedback can be the primary source of information about product quality. Rapid MVP (Minimum Viable Product) release and rapid response to user feedback allow teams to improve their products more flexibly and efficiently during a long QA cycle.

Of course, abandoning QA is not a universal solution. For some projects, especially for large and complex systems, the role of QA is still very important. However, under certain conditions, with the right tools and approaches, you can successfully develop your project without a professional QA team. It is important to consider the specifics of each project and find a balance between quality, cost and development time.